Same day shipping for in stock orders placed before 2pm
You may return most new, unused items within 45 days
We will pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect item, etc.) If in original packaging and upon inspection, you should expect to receive your credit within 5 days of us receiving it back into our warehouse. All other return cost's will be customer responsibility.
If you believe your package was damaged in shipping, we require that you contact us within 3 days of delivery. DO NOT dispose of the box or any of its contents. We will require photos and lot numbers of the items. We will have a replacement item shipped out immediately once damage is confirmed.
We charge a 20% restocking fee if the return is not a result of our error.
Upon inspection of the product, you will receive your credit within 5 days of us receiving the product back into our warehouse.
We do not accept any expired ink returns, unless at the time of order the shelf life was less than 3 months.